What is Network?
" Network is combinations of computers, hardware devices,physical media,network devices and computer soft wares interlinked together for allow them to communicate with each others through the communication path ways."
Why Networks?
Now a day’s in the world the usage of network is growing efficiently.i hope this is very foolish question.
There are so many features we are getting from networks.The main objective of the network is 'Resource Sharing' and 'Centralized Management'.
Sharing of Resources means share the data,applications,soft wares and hard wares such as printers,faxes ...etc along the nodes.
Centralized Management is managing group of computers,hardware devices,peoples,their information's, into single network segment.e.g, FTP Service,ADD Service,DHCP Service etc...
Milestones in the history of Networking?
Initially computers were mostly used for research and national defense purposes.Data networks designed exclusively for computing environments followed the introduction of business computing in the 1950s.
In 1960s—The first large-scale commercial computer network is created for an Airline Reservation Application and the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) successfully links computers developed by different manufacturers, forming what is later described as the origin of today’s Internet.
In 1970s—A networking technology for minicomputers called Ethernet is developed.
In 1980s—The increase in the number of stand-alone desktop microcomputers within organizations In encourages widespread adoption of local area networks (LANs).
In 1990s—Web-based Internet resources are introduced on a global scale.
In 2000s—Improved networks provides the access to connect to with a network from any where in the world.That is World Wide Internet
Aspects of Network?
are two aspects for setting up a network
The first one is the physical
media which is used for connecting hardware devices into a single
network segment.The media can be
The Second one is the software or
Firm Ware which is installed on the device should allow them to
communicate with each others.
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