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Wednesday 31 December 2014

Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Network Architecture?

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Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Network Architecture

              Virus is the most challenge in the network side because in peer to peer architecture there are lot of viruses in the form of peer top peer programs.normally viruses are downloaded in the as a any application file like audio or video.Lot of copyrighted contents also shared by this technology along word wide.

Network Management:
            All the computers in this network will be act as server/client.So by one user cannot control whole network.Each computers are shared their own it can be managed through that PC only.

Data Backup:
            Data backup possible only in local computer each computer should have its own storage for storing data.

Lack of Security:
            This network is only suitable for small network  may contain lass then 10 computers because its lack of security.However it low cost still it is not recommended for any commerical use where some sensitive data can be shared.

Lack of Reliability:
            In this decentralised architecture it is very difficult to find reliable computers.There is no assurance whether we are getting reliable data or not.Whether we are communicating with reliable computer or not.
Related Posts:

            2.)Advantages of Peer to Peer Architecture?

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Advantages of Peer to Peer Network?

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Advantagees of Peer to Peer Network

Easy Setup:
          Peer to Peer is very simple network method.So it can be installed who  know basics of network.
          In  Peer to peer all nodes are have same there is  no centralized server.Because of this reason all the clients are independent.That is it will collect its necessary iformation from another peer in the network without intention of server.Failure of one peer will not affect aother peer or network.

         Server administrator is not required because all the devices are normal computers only as well as there is no dedicated server also.It can be operated and managed by its user only.So administrating is very simple.

Low Cost:
         The over all building cost is less then  all other network architectures.So it is suitable network for home,small offcies are who required communication network with low cost for small network.
Related Posts:

            2.)Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Architecture?

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Disadvantages of Client/Server Architecture?

2 Comments so far

Disadvantages of Client/Server Architecture

           A dedicated server is required which may expensive because server hard wares,Server operating system and its license are very expensive things because of its features.

         For server management server engineer is required with desired skills,without server knowledge which may risk to work with this network.

Server Failure:
         The entire network resources are belongs to server.some time unluckily server failure cause the entire network down.Some time  there is chance for data loss in server. because of sudden failure.

Server Overload:
        All the functions in the configured by server.So the entire network ,load will come to server.Because some over load server may lag

Related Posts:

            2.)Advantages of Client/Server Architecture?

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Advantages of Client/Server Network Architecture?

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Advantage of Client/Server Networking

Advantages of Client/Server Network Architecture:

Centralised Management:
               All the clients in the network and the entire network resources which are managed by server centrally.All the data stored in the data backup, and searching a files on the data it is not difficult job.

              In formations are on the server or resources on the network which are accessed by only authenticated users and the any changes on the network also can be possible by the users who have permissions to modify that element.For example if you want to disable pen drive access for all clients in the network it will done by server by applying rules for the clients.

Large storage:
                   Normally server have large amount of storage's.So we can store huge amount of data on server and it can be shared.Clients are not recommended to have large amount of storage's because it can store the data on the server and it can access the data whenever it want.This server data can be accessed by the users who have the permissions to access that.Un authorised modifications on the data also controlled by read write permissions.The data can be backup and restored easily.
                  Network resources and server data can be accessed by remotely anywhere in the network.So we can take remote console of any devices on the network with full access.administrating rights.

Time Saving:
               Any up gradation on the element is easy and any new resources can add easily.any software upgradings for all clients in the network is done by server simultaneously.So no need to go to each client one by one for upgrading.


               All processes from thee server will be accurate information's and it will be more reliable.So it gives higher data integrity .

Multiple Access:
              This is one of the best feature in network that multiple users can access same data simultaneously.That is if a file is already accessed by one user,but same time another user also trying to access the same  file which is possible by another use at same time.

Low Network traffic:
              Whenever if client want any data then only it will initialise its communication session with server.Once the server is responded to that client then the connection will be terminated very soon it prevents the network from heavy traffic.

24/7 Support:
              Normally servers will run all days except downtime,So data reside on the server can be accessd  at any time.
Related Posts:

            2.)Disadvantages of Client/Server Architecture?

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Tuesday 30 December 2014

Features of Network?

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Sunday 28 December 2014

Needs to be done

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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Advantages of Server Based Network Architecture?

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Advantages of Server Based Architecture:

Centralised  Management:
              All the clients in the network are booting from shared OS which is served by server.So all client's users data,their own credentials and information's,their own permissions on the network resources can be controlled by server end.All the client s are server dependent.

Multi user:
               This is one more important thing in the network  which is multi user session support.Multiple user can access their resources at same time.
              All the data,applications are originally installed on the server are can be accessed by only authorised clients.server also protected by anti virus software,firewalls...etc.server maintains better relationship with server at everry time.So it gives maximum of security and reliability against unauthorised access.

              Resources Sharing is much easier then other network and for this resources are accessed by all the clients from anywhere in the network without any lack of permission.

Backup &Restore:
             All the data stored on the server as backup or regular can be access at any time except server down time.All users data backup and restorations are can be done at same  time simultaneously.

              Any up gradations on the network resources can be very easy at server end which simplifies administrative tasks.
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               1.)What is Server Based Architecture?
               2.)Disadvantages of Server Based Network?
               3.)What is Network Architecture?

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What is Server Based Network Architecture?

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Server Based Architecture

Server Based Architecture? 

          Server Based is a network architecture where all the applications are deployed,managed and executed on the server according to user inputs by clients..It is new type of advance communication method.If the client is PC,or laptops or any higher end machines that doesn't matter.Because all the devices will act like as 'Thin clients' and all have the full time access to server it pass the inputs from   client devices to corresponding server.

How it is possible?

          It is done by three technology co-ordination.The first one is Centralized Multiuser  shared OperatingSystem which is loaded on server and shared via network.So it allows the multiple users to log on to system and runs applications in their own separate protected session in  a single server simultaneously.That is all the clients are in this network will boot from os which is shared via network from server.This is commonly known as Network Booting.Most of this network used Bank for  in ATM machines and some of other offices for in  clients.
         The second one is Remote presentation service protocol which is distinguish the application logic from its user interface for each user inputs.Once the clients are booted then all the users they will start their work from their own session.So Each user inputs are distingued and inputs are processed on the server then output is screening this clients
         The third one is Centralized Applications access and client managements which enables multiple users to access same application simultaneously as well as managing the all clients in the network easily.The entire resources on the network is controlled by servers.
Example:ATM Machines,Thin client or terminal monitors are used for Book Train ticket  at  railway stations.

Related Posts:
           1.)Advantages of Server Based Network?
           2.)Disadvantages of Server Based Network?
           3.)Client/Server Architecture?
           4.)Peer to Peer Architecture?
           5.)What is  Network Architecture?

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Monday 22 December 2014

What is Client-Server Architecture?

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Client-Server Architecture     

Before going to our topic you have to know to differentiate what is 'Client'  and what is 'Server'?

Client vs Server:-

        'Client' is a program which is requesting other programs for getting a service or informations by sending request to that destination program.The term 'Client' is always applicable for computers or any other devices which runs client program.

      'Server' is program which is capable to fulfill for the Requests which is made by clients. The term "Server' is always applicable for computers or any other devices which runs server program.
       Clients and servers may both computer programs run on the same of the best example is computers which running with both client and server software.
       If you want example for client just take your mobiles,tablets,printers...etc.
If your configure maills in your computer,mobiles,...etc this mail programs called client.It retives the mails from server.

Client-Server Architecture:-

            The term 'Client-Server'  Architecture is a client requesting a server for service by sending request. The Server will process the result for that request then it will send back the  response to that client.So there is  two way appoach between client and server is called Requesting and Responding.
This type of relationship is called as client/server architecture.
             In this network the client will first initiate the service communication session with server over a network and will wait for response from server.Once the server has fulfilled the request query to the client then the connection between client and server will be terminated automatically.This model both client and server can be used in single computer also.
           In a single computer can multiple servers such as web servers,file server,DHCP,DNS...etc Whether a computer is a client, a server, or both is determined by the nature of the application that requires the service functions. Client software can also communicate with server software within the same computer.Single server can support numerous client simultaneously.Number of servers can be interconnected together in a pool to increase the performance,load balance and increase number of clients. Communication between servers is called as server to server communications or inter-server communication.
            In a school a class room is the best example for this network model. just assume a class that class room students are gathering information from teachers,so clients means students, server means teachers,i hope it is funny example.
         Internet is the best example for client-server architecture network.for example if want to open a in your computer or mobile or tablet what ever it is,what you will do? you will open web browser and then you will type in your web browser address bar.after that do you know what will your computer,mobile will do?
          Your computer browsers is a client program it will send the query for Google webpage to Google server.Then Google server will respond and send back Google webpage to that client.

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                       1.)Advantages of Clien/Server Network?
                       2.)Disadvantages of Client/Server Network?
                       3.)Peer to Peer(P2P) Or Point to Point Architecture?
                       4.)Server Based Architecture?                                                                                          5.)What is Network Architecture?

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Sunday 21 December 2014

What is Peer to Peer Network Architecture?

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Peer to Peer Network Architecture        

Peer To Peer Network Architecture:-

               Peer to Peer network is decentralized communication architecture.This is a different way of approaching a network for communication.Peer mean The term 'Peer to Peer' means the Devices  which are connected to the network which is fulfilling it's queries by communicating with other equivalent  peers in the network.
                    In this architecture same device may act as client/server.That is the device who want the data it will act as a client means it will send the it's query to the destination device.Then other end device will act as a server means it will  process the result of for the query after that it will send back the result to below example you can understood the concept of peer to peer network and purpose.

          For example take  above image,The above server is a web server for the website called just a assume that bittorrent is announced that it is going to publish a new movies with free of cost for anyone who want it.But it will be removed within a day.After that  all people will wait for that movie file will be appear. once if the file updated then all the users will try to download a same file at simultaneously,then the bittorrentz server will be busy for responding to all clients or it may go down because of over load and heavy network traffic.  
         So here they found some solutions to prevent the web server from heavy traffic or collapse by using peer to peer network.That is instead of sending files to all the clients the bittorrentz server will send the data to some of the clients.Then the remaining few clients who wants the file that can be download from another client who already download it.The bittorrentz is working same file sharing provides the anonymized routing of network traffic.
        This network is desinged for small type of networks such s home,or small office setups where the dedicated server is not required.Why bacause there is a small office.they re not willing to spend money for a server. But they want to share their reources over the network.When there is no dedicated server then all the nodes in the network will be treated as same.capability hence the term 'PEER'.  

Related Posts:
          1.)Advaantages of Peer to Peer Network?
          2.)Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Network?
          4.)Server based Architecture?
          5.)What is Network Architecture?

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Disadvantages of Network?

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Disadvantages of Network?

Disadvantages of Network:-

  * Expensive:

               Normally Netwok will save money at every time.But the devices used for network such as switches.router,  is cost expensive.For installation of network must require network engineer.                         


                  How ever the network requires network technical skills for proper maintenance.Because without technical skills it is too difficult to manage  a network as well as it is not easy task for a normal user to find failues on the the person who have  the skills they called as network engineers or administrator may be expensive.

  * Hacking:

                 This is the most important thing in internet is to be aware.When you connect your PC to network then your pc is open for computers on the network must reuired strong security like firewalls,antivirus,monitoring tools to avoid such cases.Lack of security will make serious problems in network.

* Virus:

                 Network is best medium for virus to spread from one  PC to other PC.Now a days plenty of virus are there in queue for monitor your,for steal you data,for corruopting you data,for affect your pc performance in differen ways.So it  can be filtered by only updated antivirus soft wares,or firewalls.

* Network traffic:

               Network traffice should be managed by proper routing,switching and proper desinging of network.Poor designing,swithcing and routing leads heavy network will affet performance of the network.   

* Data Loss:

             Some time unluckyly failure of network may leads data loss or the services cannot be accessd by other their work willl be pending untill it will we reecoverd.So regular backup may required for data.

Related Posts:

            1.)Advantages of Network?
            2.)What is Network?
            3.)What is Network Architecture?

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Advantages of Network?

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Advantages of Network

Advantages of Network:-      

*Resource Sharing:          

                  The Entire network resources such as  applications,data,hardware devices such as printers, faxes...etc, are shared over network for authorized users.It can be accessed by any where in the Network.                     

                  The Network resources are  in Network protected by firewalls, antivirus, some security policies.So it can be accessed by only authorized users and it can be any modification also done  by only privileged users,so there is no worry about any unauthorized modifications on data.           

  *Centralized Managements:

                    All the network resources are in network it is managed and controlled through server if it any where in the network.All the client are controlled by applying security policies in the server.For example if you want to disable pen drive access for all client in  the network it can be done by server side by applying security policy rules.


                Sharing  data over network will take less time consuming.Example mails are reaching within a seconds.Any large amount of data also can be shared via network very rapidly.

 *Multiple Access:

           Resources on the Network  can be accessed multiple user at simultaneously, That is files  shared on the network it can be accessed by a user when the same file is accessed by another user.


            However the first installaion of network may be expensive. But the usage of network is saving our money more then that installation cost by its features.for example sharing informations along world wide its very less cost only.

Related posts:

           1.)Disadvantages of Network?
           2.)What is Network? 3.)What is Network Architecture?

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What is Network Architecture?

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What is Network Architecture

what is Network Architecture:-

               Building a network is not a simple task.Network contains some set of standard architectures depends upon the requirements of that network.Eligibility of well designed network is it should be designed by standard architecture and should meet the requirements within the declared budget.This Architecture defines the communication method between all nodes in a network as well as it will set the roles and rules for each nodes for it's functions.
            Network architecture is the complete fundamental view of a communication  network.It provides the complete Layout of the established network with detailed view in proper manner.It may contains the objects that hardware devices which are used for communications,and network typologies which is applied in network.
           This Network architecture is normally designed by network engineers or network administrators before building a i hope all of  you understood that all the networks are now formed by preplanned architecture in proper manner.
           Here am going to explain you about  Network Architecture with example diagram.
There are three types of network architecture is defined based on that communication and usage.

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What is Network?

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  What is Network?

                  " Network is combinations of  computers, hardware devices,physical media,network devices and computer soft wares interlinked together for allow them to communicate with each others through the communication path ways."

Why Networks?         

Now a day’s in the world the usage of network is growing efficiently.i hope this is very foolish question. There are so many features we are getting from networks.The main objective of the network is 'Resource Sharing' and 'Centralized Management'.
Sharing of Resources means share the data,applications,soft wares and hard wares such as printers,faxes ...etc along the nodes.
Centralized Management is managing group of computers,hardware devices,peoples,their information's, into single network segment.e.g, FTP Service,ADD Service,DHCP Service etc... 

Milestones in the history of Networking?

 Initially computers were mostly used for research and national defense purposes.Data networks designed exclusively for computing environments followed the introduction of business computing in the 1950s.

In 1960s—The first large-scale commercial computer network is created for an Airline Reservation Application and the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) successfully links computers developed by different manufacturers, forming what is later described as the origin of today’s Internet.
In 1970s—A networking technology for minicomputers called Ethernet is developed.

In 1980s—The increase in the number of stand-alone desktop microcomputers within organizations In encourages widespread adoption of local area networks (LANs).

In 1990s—Web-based Internet resources are introduced on a global scale.

In 2000s—Improved networks provides the access to connect to with a network from any where in the world.That is World Wide Internet         

Aspects of Network?

     There are two aspects for setting up a network
           The first one is the physical media which is used for connecting hardware devices into a single network segment.The media can be Cables,Wi-Fi,Bluetooth,Infrared...etc.
         The Second one is the software or Firm Ware which is installed on the device should allow them to communicate with each others.                                                   

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